Ruby Franke, once a popular parenting influencer on 8 Passengers, captured the attention of millions with her family vlogs. However, her journey took a sharp turn as controversies and public scrutiny altered her once-celebrated online presence. Discover the shocking abuse and cult-like influence behind her actions.
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Ruby Franke House: 8 Passengers Characters

Ruby Franke, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, documented her family life on YouTube for several years. The channel, titled “8 Passengers,” featured her and her husband of twenty-three years, Kevin Franke, raising their six children: Shari, Chad, Abby, Ellie, Russell, and Eve. The channel amassed over 2 million subscribers over the years, with viewers interested in the Frankes’ approach to parenting a large family. The videos presented the family as playful, lighthearted, and adhering to a clear structure.
Over time, the content on the “8 Passengers” channel shifted, prompting viewer concerns about Ruby’s disciplinary methods. Followers expressed that some punishments appeared excessive for minor offenses such as forced physical exercise, missed meals, and one instance where Chad slept on a beanbag chair for seven months. These concerns eventually culminated in an online petition urging Child Protective Services to investigate potential child abuse allegations.
Shari, the eldest daughter, eventually left the family home to pursue independence. A concerned neighbor, noticing the younger children left alone for extended periods, contacted Shari who complained about potential neglect to both the police and Child Protective Services (CPS). However, her efforts proved unsuccessful. Shortly after, Ruby abruptly stopped posting to the family’s social media channel—coinciding with her taking a job at Connexions Classroom alongside Jodi Hildebrandt.
The Jodi Hildebrandt Family: Unraveling a Troubled Career
Jodi Hildebrandt (55) wore many hats. She was an author, life coach, and the founder of the Connexions Classroom group, designed to strengthen relationships. A devout member of the LDS, Jodi attracted many Mormon clients through church referrals. Her team included Ruby, a certified mental health counsellor, who provided individual and group coaching alongside Jodi, and Pam Botcher, president of Connexions. Jodi’s core teachings were:
…for a person to achieve true “connection” with another human being, they must not be in “distortion”.” Distortion is a broad term defined by Jodi. By taking her course people learn they are “in” distortion by the following:
• being addicted (spouse, work, shopping, electronic games, sleep, social media, driving, receiving compliments, exercise, eating, drugs or alcohol, sex, pornography, hobbies, entertainment. The things you can become addicted to are endless. )
• living in shame and denial
• knowing you are “not enough”
• being co-dependent in your relationships
• living in lust (being sexually attracted to your spouse)
• controlling and manipulating others
Jodi Hildebrandt’s Connexions Classroom employed a deceptive two-phase approach. Initially, couples participated in fun, educational sessions, fostering a positive and eager atmosphere. However, phase two introduced a sinister twist. Jodi segregated the couples and employed manipulative tactics to sow discord within their relationships. She positioned herself as the sole authority on relationship repair, indoctrinating students to believe her methods were essential for success. In reality, Jodi’s program resembled a cult-like environment, pitting couples against each other through accusations:
…emotionally and verbally abusive, an addict of all kinds of things, co-dependent in the relationship, in distortion, not humble, not impeccably honest and not rigorously responsibly.
Their spouse, friend or associate has changed over a few weeks, and they are now the main problem in the relationship. Unless they change and learn these new skills from Jodi, they will be cut off in the relationship. New physical and emotional boundaries will be put in place anytime they or their support group deem you are in distortion.
Jodi Hildebrandt’s tactics were particularly egregious as she manipulated wives, falsely convincing them that their husbands were a child molester and pornography addicts, causing significant emotional distress for the men. Jodi then advised the wives to set unrealistic conditions for reconciliation, including their husbands’ removal from the family home. These actions, based on demonstrably false pretenses, effectively placed the burden of “fixing” the situation solely on the men. Ultimately, the program’s divisive approach contributed to families’ destruction, resulting in divorce and the estrangement of the children from their father.
Members who attempted to leave Jodi’s group faced a relentless campaign of intimidation. She wielded legal threats and employed what some described as ‘outlandish accusations’ to damage their reputations. Jodi allegedly contacted the LDS with fabricated stories of abuse and addiction, making it difficult for these individuals to find alternative therapists. These tactics, coupled with the vulnerability inherent in seeking help, trapped them in a cycle of confusion and fear, rendering them unable to make clear decisions about their well-being.
The youth who were caught in Jodi’s clutches experienced pure hell as she believed they were evil and needed the devil beaten out of them. Her psychotic personality encouraged parents to torture their children while she publicly curated a child-loving image. She perfected psychologically ruining them, hiding behind her professional credentials as an expert in child-rearing.
A Twisted Partnership: The Franke-Hildebrandt Child Abuse Case
Free from the spotlight of “8 Passengers,” Ruby sought solace in Jodi’s orbit. A certified counsellor or not, Ruby became putty in Jodi’s manipulative hands. Tension rose in the Franke household as Jodi moved in despite Kevin’s clear disapproval. Then the whispers started—insidious doubts about Kevin, the insistence he needed exile to “fix” himself. Desperate to salvage his marriage, Kevin had no choice but to have faith in Jodi—agreeing to her chilling decree: leave the home, sever contact. Chad, however, sensing the fracturing family, left with his father, leaving a hollow echo in their wake. Now, only Jodi, Ruby, and the four youngest remained, a chilling new chapter unfolding behind closed doors.
Once Jodi had full control over the family, she and Ruby isolated the children from each other and then physically tortured them—denying them water and food. Ruby kicked Russell while wearing boots and held his head underwater, practically drowning him. She hogtied the kids with rope and duct tape and forced them to do hard labor.
Jodi made the youngest, Eve, jump into cacti multiple times, tearing her skin and gaping wounds covering her little body. The children were forced to sleep outside in extreme temperatures and spent days exposed to intense sun with no skin protection—leaving them extremely burned and blistered. Jodi mixed a burning cayenne pepper and honey concoction to treat their wounds. They were, essentially, betrayed by their mother, who was completely controlled by a narcissistic sociopath and failed by CPS. The children had absolutely no protection, leaving them physically, mentally and emotionally devastated.
From Duct Tape to Freedom: Ruby Franke Child Wounds
The stale air of the basement clung to Russell like a shroud—August 30th, the date burned into his memory. It was escape or surrender. With adrenaline, he scrambled onto a rickety crate and squeezed through the dusty basement window. Freedom scraped his skin, a welcome sensation compared to his confinement. He ran—aching muscles screamed with every step, but the primal urge to get away propelled him forward. Hunger gnawed at his stomach; his throat parched. A house, a beacon in the distance, became his target.
He collapsed on the neighbor’s porch, gasping for breath. “Help me,” he croaked, his voice hoarse. The kind-faced man who answered the door saw a sight that sent chills down his spine. Bruises marred Russell’s pale skin, and remnants of duct tape clung to his wrists and ankles. His heart ached with the unspoken truth. Without hesitation, he ushered Russell inside and dialed 911. His voice trembled as he reported Russell’s condition:
He’s emaciated, he’s got tape around his legs, and he’s thirsty… He asked us to call the police. He’s scared. He’s been detained. He’s obviously covered in wounds.
Sirens wailed in the distance, drawing closer, leaving Russell with fear and relief. Russell watched as police cars swarmed the neighbor’s property. Officers, their faces grim after seeing Russell’s wounds, peppered him with questions. He could only stammer that Eve remained in the house, his mind a horrifying blank when it came to Abby and Ellie.
Nine-year-old Eve was hidden away in a dark closet, knees pulled tight to her chest. The sight of her malnourished and beaten form left a lump in every officer’s throat. Despite their gentle coaxing, it took four harrowing hours before she would respond, let alone leave the closet.
Meanwhile, miles away, a different scene unfolded. At Pam’s house, Abby and Ellie were found diligently doing chores. Caught off guard by the police presence, Pam offered a suspicious story, claiming Ruby had permitted the girls to clean the house, followed by ice cream as a reward. Police were unconvinced by Pam’s story, but with no proof against her, they were forced to set her free.
Rushing back to Jodi’s, Ruby was met with a horrifying scene. Police swarmed the property, flashing lights competing with the buzz of the media. Ambulances stood by—a grim testament to something terrible. A sickening realization dawned on Ruby, “My children are gone. Satan’s twisted plan is succeeding.” Her fear turned to dread as officers apprehended both her and Jodi, six counts of aggravated child abuse hanging heavy in the air—a direct consequence of the wounds discovered on Russell and Eve.
Pictures of Ruby Franke Kids, Ruby Franke Son Photos
Images related to Ruby Franke’s children are disturbing and depict severe child abuse. These images, including those of her malnourished son with open wounds and duct tape on his limbs, were released as part of the evidence in her child abuse case.

The graphic nature of these images is a stark reminder of the horrific abuse suffered by Franke’s children. The images were widely shared online and used by news outlets to report on the case, sparking outrage and condemnation of Franke’s actions.

The photos show:
Emaciated children: Franke’s son and daughter appear severely malnourished, with visible bones and sunken features, indicating prolonged food deprivation.
Restraints and injuries: Duct tape, used to bind the children, is visible in the photos, along with deep lacerations and wounds on their bodies, suggesting physical abuse and confinement.

Unsanitary conditions: The images reveal a filthy and cluttered living environment, further emphasizing the neglect the children endured.
“Panic room”: Photos of a makeshift “panic room” in Jodi Hildebrandt’s basement, where children were allegedly locked up as punishment, add another layer of horror to the case.
These graphic images, while difficult to view, serve as undeniable evidence of the abuse inflicted upon Franke’s children. They played a significant role in the legal proceedings, ultimately leading to the charges and arrests of Franke and Hildebrandt. The photos also sparked public outrage and fueled demands for justice, highlighting the importance of protecting children and holding abusers accountable.
Ruby Franke Affidavit
The Ruby Franke affidavit details the probable cause for the arrest of Ruby and Jodi on charges of aggravated child abuse. It outlines the events leading up to their arrest, including:
Escape and discovery: A 12-year-old child, identified as one of Ruby’s sons, escaped from Jodi’s residence and sought help from a neighbor. The child was found with duct tape on his ankles and wrists, appearing emaciated and malnourished.
Police intervention: Law enforcement was called, and the child was taken to a hospital for treatment due to severe malnourishment and deep lacerations from being restrained.
Investigation and discovery of second child: The investigation led authorities to Jody’s home, where they found another child, Ruby’s 10-year-old daughter, also malnourished and in need of medical attention.
Evidence of abuse: The affidavit describes the living conditions in Jody’s home, including the lack of food and an unsanitary environment. It also details the children’s accounts of being denied food as punishment.
Arrest and charges: Jodi and Ruby were subsequently arrested and charged with six counts of aggravated child abuse, a second-degree felony.
The affidavit serves as a crucial document in the legal case against Ruby and Jodi, providing a detailed account of the alleged abuse and neglect suffered by the children. It also highlights the importance of reporting suspected child abuse and the role of law enforcement in protecting vulnerable children.
Ruby Franke Mugshot

Ruby’s mugshot, taken after her arrest on charges of aggravated child abuse, became a symbol of the shocking allegations against her. The photo, released by authorities, shows her with a stern expression and wearing jail attire. It quickly circulated online and in the media, further fueling public outrage and condemnation.
The mugshot, along with the accompanying details of the alleged abuse, starkly contrasted with Ruby’s previously cultivated image as a wholesome parenting influencer. This jarring juxtaposition highlighted the deceptive nature of online personas and the potential for hidden darkness beneath seemingly perfect facades.
The mugshot serves as a visual reminder of the serious charges against her and the gravity of the crimes. It also symbolizes the broader issue of child abuse and the importance of holding perpetrators accountable, regardless of their public image or perceived status.
Disturbing Evidence Released: The Depths of Torture
Opting for a plea bargain, Ruby and Jodi admitted guilt to four counts of aggravated child abuse. Their sentences remain undecided, ranging from four to 30 years behind bars. Details surrounding Russell’s ordeal emerged through Ruby’s plea agreement, shedding light on the horrific abuse he endured:
The defendant’s actions involved the physical torture of RF. Initially, RF was forced to do physical tasks for hours and days at a time. These included wall-sits, carrying boxes full of books up and down stairs, and working outside. Eventually RF was forced to do outside labor without shoes and in the summer heat. He was forced stand in the direct sunlight for several days. He was forced to remain outside at all hours of the day and night for extended periods of time. These actions resulted in repeated and serious sunburns with blistered and sloughing skin.
RF was denied adequate water for several days he was required to remain in the summer heat, and he was punished when he secretly consumed water. He was denied sufficient food, and when given food he was given very plain meals (e.g. rice and chicken) while others in the house ate regular and more flavorful meals. He was isolated from other people and denied all forms of entertainment including books, notebooks and electronics.
In addition, after RF attempted to run away in July, his hands and feet were regularly bound. Binding included being tied to the defendant and to weights. Many times, the binding included using two sets of handcuffs, one on RF’s wrists and one on his ankles. At times, with RF lying on his stomach, ropes were used to tie the two handcuffs together so that his arms and lower legs were lifted off the ground. The bindings resulted in RF’s wrists and ankles where the handcuffs cut through the skin and damaged the muscle/tissue. These injuries were treated with homeopathic remedies and covered duct tape. Then the bindings were placed on top of the duct tape.
Ruby Franke Journal Document
A disturbing journal belonging to Ruby surfaced during her child abuse investigation. The journal entries revealed her disturbing methods of punishment and neglect towards her children.
The journal became a key piece of evidence in the case against Ruby, providing a firsthand account of her abusive behavior and intentions. It exposed the stark contrast between her public persona as a parenting influencer and the reality of her treatment of her children behind closed doors.
Did Ruby and Kevin Stay Married?
Kevin Franke ultimately divorced Ruby and is fighting to regain custody of Abby, Ellie, Russell, and Eve. He also filed a restraining order to prevent Jodi’s home from being sold to ensure his family gets compensated for damages. In a legal complaint filed by Kevin’s attorney:
Neither Defendant nor Ruby Franke advised Plaintiff of their removal of the children from the family home in Springville, Utah to Defendant’s home in Ivins, Utah. The children’s personalities, emotions and psyches were so damaged and altered that it was beyond Father’s capability to restore them without professional intervention of State’s resources through the Juvenile Court. This, through a rehabilitation and restorative process directed and prescribed by the professionals treating the children.
In order to restore his children to his care in their family home, Father himself, has complied with the Court process and has affirmatively sought his own regimen of professional therapy, in order to coordinate not only with the children’s treatment providers but to gain an understanding of his children’s conditions and needs, and how to best facilitate the restoration of all his children back to their former status as happy and healthy individuals and of a happy and intact family in their family home.
Ruby Franke Remorseful Testimony
Initially, pity eclipsed Ruby’s own worries, however, Jodi’s unwavering denial slammed into Ruby like a revelation. The woman she’d championed as an exemplar of truth was a liar. Ruby had championed their cause, while Jodi abandoned it, and it took a month in isolation to strip away the charade. Shame gnawed at Ruby and delusion had blinded her—her actions towards her children felt monstrous.
Despite claiming a clean criminal and mental health history, Ruby confessed relief at the police intervention. It, in her words, “cut everybody where they needed to be.”. According to Times, at the sentencing hearing, Shari and Chad joined their father, Kevin, in court and were seated in the front row as Ruby apologized to the children in court:
“I will never stop crying for hurting your tender souls. You’re so precious to me, I’m sorry.”
Facing the prospect of Ruby’s unwavering testimony, Jodi Hildebrandt opted for a guilty plea, bringing quiet gratitude as Ruby couldn’t bear the thought of her children reliving the abuse through a trial. The threat of Ruby’s public exposé, likely detailing Jodi’s psychotic and sociopathic behavior towards the children, proved too much to bear. As reported by the Times in her sentencing hearing statement:
If Jodi had gone to trial, Ruby was totally prepared to expose everything, and Jodi knew she’d do it. So, to avoid being publicly exposed as a psychotic and sociopathic child abuser, Jodi Hildebrandt pled guilty to four counts of aggravated child abuse. In her statement at the sentencing hearing, Times reports:
I desire for them to heal physically and emotionally. One of the reasons I did not go to trial is that I did not want them to emotionally relive the experience, which had been detrimental for them.
Ruby suspected Jodi harbored mental health issues, though Jodi refused any such acknowledgment. In Ruby’s eyes, Jodi displayed no remorse for her actions and failed to take responsibility for the abuse inflicted on her children. She believed Jodi’s guilty plea was a strategic move to avoid facing public testimony that would expose the full extent of the abuse.
A Family’s Devastation
On the day that Ruby Franke was arrested, Shari Franke made an Instagram post:
Hi all. Today has been a big day. Me and my family are so glad justice is being served. We’ve been trying to tell the police and CPS for years about this, and so glad they finally decided to step up.
Chad Franke never spoke to the media about the case but answered many of his social media followers’ questions. While playing a video game, he admitted to being in denial for a long time about the charges against his mother, but now he’s finding ways to deal with reality. He added that he doesn’t plan to visit Ruby Franke in prison but says if he ever decides to it wouldn’t be anytime soon. When asked about Ruby’s statement made at sentencing, Chad believed it was “long” and “genuine.” However, he stands on his mother spending at least “18 years” in prison and “Jodi should never get out”.
Ruby Franke’s three sisters, Ellie Mecham, Bonnie Hoellein, and Julie Deru, posted a message on social media after Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt were sentenced:
For the last 3 years we have kept quiet on the subject of our sister Ruby Franke for the sake of her children. Behind the public scene we have done everything we could to try and make sure the kids were safe.
We wouldn’t feel right about moving forward with regular content without addressing the most recent events. Once we do, we will not be commenting on it further.
Ruby was arrested which needed to happen. Jodi was arrested which needed to happen. The kids are now safe, which is the number one priority.
Ruby Frank and Kevin Franke’s children: Abby, Ellie, Russell and Eve Franke are currently in the care of the Department of Child and Family Services.
Ruby and Jodi’s Cautionary Legacy
Ruby Franke’s and Jodi Hildebrandt’s legacy serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us that online presentations can be deceiving and that vigilance is crucial in protecting children. Their story also highlights the need for open communication and support systems to help victims come forward. Though tragic, this case has brought awareness to the often-hidden issue of child abuse within seemingly normal families. It has sparked conversations about the dangers of online personas and the importance of recognizing the signs of abuse.
Reddit Ruby Franke
The Ruby Franke case has sparked significant discussion on Reddit, particularly within r/8passengersnark. This community, initially dedicated to analyzing and critiquing Ruby’s YouTube channel “8 Passengers,” has transformed into a hub for discussing the ongoing child abuse allegations and legal proceedings against Ruby and her associate Jodi Hildebrandt.
Discussions on r/8passengersnark delve into various aspects of the case, including:
Analysis of past videos: Users dissect old videos from the “8 Passengers” channel, identifying instances of potential emotional abuse, neglect, and questionable parenting practices.
Updates on the legal case: The subreddit actively shares news articles and updates on the ongoing investigation, charges, court hearings, and potential outcomes for Ruby and Jodi.
Discussion of child abuse: The case has prompted wider discussions about child abuse, its signs, and the importance of reporting suspected cases.
Critique of ConneXions: Users analyze and criticize the teachings and practices of ConneXions, the life coaching program co-founded by Ruby and Jodi, which has been linked to the alleged abuse.
Support for the victims: The subreddit also serves as a space for expressing concern for the well-being of Ruby’s children and sharing resources for those affected by child abuse.
The discussions on r/8passengersnark are often passionate and critical, reflecting the outrage and concern many feel about the case. The subreddit has become a significant platform for information sharing, analysis, and advocacy related to the Ruby Franke case.
Ruby Franke Net Worth
Ruby Franke’s net worth is estimated to be around $2.5 million, mainly accumulated through her YouTube channels “8 Passengers” and “ConneXions.” However, this figure is based on 2021 estimates and may not reflect her current financial situation accurately.
A breakdown of her income sources:
YouTube Ad Revenue: Ruby’s family vlog channel “8 Passengers” had over 2 million subscribers at its peak, generating substantial ad revenue.
Sponsored Content: She likely earned additional income through brand deals and sponsored content on her YouTube channels.
ConneXions Program: Ruby co-founded the ConneXions program, a life coaching platform that offered paid courses and workshops.
Other Ventures: She may have had other income streams, such as merchandise sales or speaking engagements.
However, Ruby’s financial situation is likely to have changed significantly since her arrest and the subsequent controversy surrounding her and her businesses. Her YouTube channels have been deleted, and her reputation has been severely damaged, potentially impacting future earnings.
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The Family Next Door (Investigation Discovery): This series explores various cases of child abuse and neglect, often within seemingly ordinary families. While not about Franke, it sheds light on the hidden nature of abuse and the importance of recognizing warning signs.
Where is Ruby Franke Now?
Ruby Franke is currently in jail. She was sentenced to serve between four and thirty years in prison on February 20, 2024. The exact number of years she will serve has not yet been determined and will be decided by the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole.
Is Ruby Franke Mormon?
Yes, Ruby Franke is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as the Mormon church.
Who has Ruby Franke’s Kids now?
The children were found in extremely abusive conditions and were removed from the care of Franke and Hildebrandt. The children are currently under the protection and supervision of state child welfare services while longer-term arrangements are being determined. Their father, Kevin Franke, has been separated from Ruby for over a year and is seeking custody.