In a shocking tale of religious extremism, Chad and Lori Daybell’s twisted beliefs in ‘dark spirits and zombies’ led them down a deadly path of murder and deceit. Delve into the disturbing world of this notorious couple, where faith and fantasy blurred, resulting in unspeakable tragedy.
Table of Contents
Behind the Smile: Who is Lori Vallow?

Lori Vallow, the third of four siblings, grew up in a loving family deeply rooted in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). From a young age, she displayed a keen interest in scripture. Shortly after graduating high school, she entered her first marriage and gave birth to her son, Colby, at the age of 22. She eventually divorced and subsequently married Joe Ryan, her third husband. Together, they welcomed their daughter, Tylee, into the world.
By all accounts, the family was happy and loving. Lori even participated in the Ms. Texas Pageant, where she humorously described herself as a “ticking time bomb” due to the challenges of balancing her roles as a mother and wife. Following this, she appeared on Wheel of Fortune, claiming that God had revealed to her that she would be on the show.
Over time, however, Joe’s behavior towards Colby had become physically violent and demeaning, escalating to sexual abuse. The trauma inflicted upon him deeply affected Lori, driving her to seek solace in the temple as a means of preventing herself from resorting to violence against Joe. She desperately sought an end to the pain and turmoil inflicted by the abuse, ultimately divorcing.
In 2006, Lori’s departure from Joe marked a period of instability for the family, characterized by frequent moves and school changes. Amid this upheaval, she crossed paths with Charles Vallow, whose financial stability, willingness to care for Colby and Tylee, and conversion to Lori’s church solidified their connection. With sons from a previous relationship, Charles and Lori blended their families, creating a seemingly happy and harmonious household. Their whirlwind romance culminated in marriage the same year, a testament to their intense connection.
Chosen Family: The Vallows Welcome JJ
In 2013, Kay and Larry Woodcock’s son and his partner had a son named Joshua “JJ” Vallow, who was diagnosed with autism. Feeling that they could not adequately care for JJ due to his special needs and believing he would thrive with a younger couple, Kay and Larry approached her brother Charles and Lori with the proposition of adopting JJ, to which they agreed.
With JJ’s arrival, Lori and Charles showered him with love and affection, embracing him as a cherished member of their growing family. A strong bond formed between him and Tylee, whose nurturing nature led her to take on a maternal role. Moreover, Colby, embracing his role as JJ’s older brother, developed a deep bond with the young boy, offering him love, support, and understanding in the face of his unique challenges. The family had a loving home filled with laughter, affection, and joyful experiences for the children.
Unholy Obsession: Lori’s Escalating Religious Extremism
As time went on Lori became increasingly devoted to her faith, adorning their home with images of the LDS temple and claiming to receive messages from angels and Jesus. Driven by what she believed was divine guidance, she convinced Charles to relocate the family to Kauai, Hawaii in 2014—fostering a seemingly loving and close family environment.
During the family’s time in Hawaii, Lori joined the Hanalei Branch, a local congregation of the LDS. She became convinced that the angel Moroni appeared to her regularly, offering guidance and instructions on how she could contribute to what she perceived as God’s work. These supposed angelic encounters fueled her growing fervor and commitment to her faith.
Although their marriage had the outward appearance of being solid, Lori’s faith began to take a more extreme turn. She confided in a friend that Charles wasn’t her spiritual equal, a revelation that deeply impacted their relationship. She yearned for a partner who shared her intense beliefs. After three years in Hawaii, the family decided to return to their roots in Chandler, Arizona.
The Unwelcome Bride: Lori’s Battle for Colby’s Heart
Colby, a college student, was dating a young Christian woman named Kelsee, whom Lori strongly disapproved of. Her anger grew as Kelsee accompanied Colby to her Christian church—believing Kelsee was pulling Colby away from the LDS faith. She became increasingly passive-aggressive towards Kelsee, vying for Colby’s love and attention.
Lori showed little support for their relationship, and her behavior grew even more erratic when they got engaged. On their wedding day, when it came time for pictures with Colby’s side of the family, Tylee was conspicuously absent, attending a ski party instead. Colby was surprised and deeply hurt by his sister’s absence, considering it may have been a deliberate act orchestrated by Lori.
Following Colby’s wedding, Lori’s focus shifted dramatically to preparing for the end times. She began stockpiling food and other supplies, driven by a deep fear of the impending apocalypse—even contemplating suicide to avoid the upcoming chaos. To further complicate matters, Lori’s brother Alex Cox joined her in this intense spiritual fervor, both becoming members of a religious group led by Melanie Gibb. The group centered its teachings around the second coming of Christ, and together, Lori and Alex immersed themselves in podcasts and discussions about the end times.
Is Chad Daybell Family Mormon?: A Spark of Doom, Tammy Daybell
In 1985, Chad Daybell dedicated two years as an LDS missionary, zealously seeking converts and setting numerous baptismal records. Known for his quiet, gentle, and focused demeanor, he returned from his mission claiming to have gained the ability to see beyond the veil and receive visions from the future after a cliff-diving accident left him momentarily unconscious.
Believing himself to be a prophet, Chad met and married Tammy Daybell, the more outgoing of the two. She was his first girlfriend, and together they had five children. Chad began writing books and speaking at conferences, eventually establishing his own publishing company. Outwardly, their lives appeared happy and fulfilling.

Chad and his family were members of the LDS, however, his beliefs and practices deviated significantly from mainstream Mormon teachings, leading to a complex relationship between the family and the Mormon faith. His family, including his children, were exposed to his teachings and beliefs. While some family members embraced his ideas, others expressed concerns and distanced themselves from him. The family’s involvement in the LDS church and their adherence to traditional Mormon teachings became increasingly strained as Chad’s beliefs grew more extreme.
His charisma extended beyond near-death experiences. He claimed to possess spiritual gifts, including a system for assigning numbers to people based on their past lives. This number, according to Chad, determined one’s righteousness. Fueling his vision of an impending apocalypse, Chad believed only 144,000 chosen ones, himself included, would be saved.
These “righteous” few would endure the tribulations and establish a New Jerusalem in Rexburg, Idaho, where they’d carry on God’s work for eternity under Chad’s leadership. He envisioned himself as a latter-day Christ, leading his followers to a divinely sanctioned utopia after the apocalypse. His published works weren’t mere stories but scripture on par with the Book of Mormon.
Lori, deeply invested in apocalyptic beliefs, devoured his books, convinced they held the key to survival and a divinely ordained future. She and her friends attended the Preparing a People conference, where Chad was a prominent speaker sharing his near-death experiences that inspired him to write a book. During the conference, he emphasized the importance of preparing for future trials.
Lori met him at his book signing, and they quickly developed a connection, bonding over their shared belief in past lives. Their connection deepened, quickly escalating into an intense and seemingly unbreakable love. However, a significant obstacle stood in their way: both Lori and Chad were already married.
Untying the Knot: Lori’s Betrayal, Charles’ Fight for Tylee and JJ
Lori’s transformation after meeting Chad was swift and noticeable. She invited him onto her podcast, where he spoke of receiving visions from Jesus about future events and a chaotic world. But amidst the turmoil, Chad assured listeners that Jesus was preparing a way to save them from despair. Lori’s fascination with him and his apocalyptic prophecies deepened, further fueling her obsession with the end times.
Around the same time, she started telling people that Charles was figuratively dead and had a demon inside of him named Nick (sometimes Ned) Schneider that would ultimately cause his death. To sow discord and isolate him, she revealed his so-called long-term infidelity, but in retaliation, Charles embarked on a crusade to convince her family that she was mentally unstable. He desperately tried to warn them, claiming she had delusions of grandeur, believing herself a superior being with secret knowledge. He pleaded with anyone who would listen, but Lori had successfully turned everyone against him, ensuring they ignored his calls and messages.
On January 30th, 2019, while Charles was on a business trip in Houston, Lori canceled his return flight to Arizona and had Alex remove his truck from the airport parking lot, leaving only the key and $100 cash inside. Alex then entered Lori and Charles’ home and removed all of Charles’ belongings. The distressed Charles, unable to reach Tylee or JJ, contacted the police, claiming Lori was mentally unstable.
He emphasized that she believed herself a resurrected being, had drained their bank account, and threatened to kill him, perceiving him as a demon. His only option was to attempt to have her involuntarily committed for psychiatric evaluation. Still, the police were unable to intervene as his wife had taken the children while he was away. Desperate for help and with no other options, Charles was forced to seek a new strategy to address Lori’s increasingly alarming behavior.
With JJ’s school day approaching, Charles anxiously awaited Lori’s arrival and as soon as she pulled up, he rushed to the car, flung open the door, and grabbed the keys from the ignition along with her purse and wallet. In an attempt to prevent her from leaving, he called the police, however, Lori had a spare key and quickly drove away. Later that day, Lori and Tylee went to the Gilbert Police Department to report Charles for theft.
She informed police that she had discovered Charles cheating and warned him not to return home, but anticipating he’d ignore her demand she packed up the kids and spent the night at a motel. The next morning, after dropping JJ off at school, Charles had aggressively snatched her purse from the car, which contained her phone, wallet, and money. As Lori spoke, the Gilbert police appeared to be charmed by her, dismissing Charles’ accusations of mental illness.
Convinced Lori wasn’t unstable, they mishandled the situation, even facetiously joking with her about what a psychiatric ward might be like. The cops advised her not to answer the door if officers came to pick her up, if she didn’t want to go. Ultimately, instead of being taken in for an evaluation, Lori volunteered to have one done on her own. As she was never committed, everyone assumed she was fine, except Charles, but the police came to believe that he was the one who was unstable, not Lori.
Four Weddings and a Funeral: Charles’s Murder, Lori’s Rebirth
After Lori and Charles separated, Lori remained in their home while Charles moved to Houston, visiting occasionally to see JJ and care for him. One day, Charles discovered Lori was sending emails to Chad, posing as him to prevent Chad’s wife from becoming suspicious of their affair. In one email, Lori falsely claimed that Charles had played minor league baseball and had numerous relatable stories to share with Chad. She fabricated a desire for Charles to write a book about Chad’s baseball experiences, and offered to fly him out the following week, covering his expenses and offering their guest room for his stay.
Deeply suspicious of their relationship, Chad confronted Lori, urging her to stop ruining lives with her delusional beliefs. Lori’s family finally realized that she had a problem and planned an intervention, hoping Charles would participate, but he adamantly refused due to their lack of support in his time of need. Lori, however, discovered their plans and texted Alex, requesting his close proximity for the next few days as she anticipated an intervention. She expressed gratitude for his support, sensing that the situation was reaching a critical point.
In July 2019, Alex contacted the Chandler Police Department to report shooting Charles. Dispatch instructed him to perform CPR, but it was unsuccessful, and Charles died from a gunshot wound to the chest. When questioned by the police, Alex explained that he had been awakened by the sounds of Charles and Lori fighting when he intervened and Charles struck him in the back of the head with a baseball bat, prompting him to retrieve his gun. Alex claimed he warned Charles to stay back, but when Charles approached him again with the bat, he shot him.
Lori’s version of events leading to the murder were that Charles intended to take JJ to school and pick him up. However, when Charles and JJ got into the car, Charles realized he had forgotten his phone inside. When he went back to retrieve it, Lori accused him of having inappropriate content on his phone and refused to give it back. A fight ensued and the commotion awakened Alex and Tylee, who appeared with a baseball bat.
Charles became increasingly aggressive, and Tylee stepped between them with the bat—prompting Charles to warn her, “If you hit me with that baseball bat, you’re going to jail.” Lori told Tylee to leave, and although Tylee did not witness the shots, she heard them. Lori claimed she also did not see the shooting but returned to find Charles on the ground.
Initially, the case appeared to be self-defense, and the Chandler Police Department released Alex. However, they later discovered that Alex had called Lori 43 minutes before contacting the police, and that he hadn’t actually performed CPR or provided any medical aid to Charles. Also, the autopsy revealed that Charles was shot a second time while lying on the ground. More disturbing, after Charles’s death, Lori took his rental car, went to Burger King, dropped JJ off at school, stopped at Walgreens, and finally returned to the house where Charles’s body remained.
Lori called Colby, telling him that Charles had a heart attack and died when he was on his way to get JJ. Horrified, Colby went over to Lori’s, and saw Alex on the couch with a bandage on his head. When he confronted his mother, she finally admitted that Alex had shot Charles twice. The revelation that Lori had lied about Charles’s death devastated Colby, leaving him confused and suspicious of his mother and uncle.
Lori sent a detached, unempathetic text to Charles’ sons informing them of their father’s sudden death, omitting the details. When they questioned her, she delayed her response for hours, eventually claiming ignorance about the cause of death and stating she was awaiting confirmation from the medical examiner. She never revealed the truth, even telling JJ’s school that Charles had committed suicide—ultimately, providing three different accounts of Charles’s death.
Lori had contacted the insurance company to make a claim when she discovered she was no longer the beneficiary of Charles’ $1 million life insurance policy. Infuriated, she texted Chad, blaming Charles’ alleged “demon” Ned for the change in beneficiary before they “got rid of him.” Despite this setback, Lori expressed gratitude for receiving $4,000 per month in Charles’ Social Security benefits.
In the aftermath of Charles’s death, Lori’s paranoia intensified, as she felt they were being pursued. She contacted Colby, revealing her plans to relocate to a colder region, assuring him that her and the children would visit every few weeks. She mentioned finding employment and enrolling Tylee in a new school. With Tylee deeply upset by the sudden uprooting, the following morning, the family left their Arizona home behind.
On September 24th, Colby texted Tylee a happy birthday message, but her reply was unusual and didn’t seem like her. Concerned, he called Lori who explained that Tylee was in school and would call him back when she was free. Still uneasy, he texted Tylee again expressing his doubts about the previous message and after that, he stopped receiving replies. The family’s concern grew into alarm when Lori stopped responding to their messages and calls, and they couldn’t reach Tylee or JJ, sparking fears for the children’s safety.
Light or Dark: Angels and Zombies
Chad had devised a seemingly scientific rating system, assigning numerical values to individuals to classify them as either “dark” or “light,” claiming the ability to differentiate between evil and good spirits. This system presented the illusion of validity, suggesting that extremely “dark” individuals had lost their spirits to limbo, becoming zombies. The only solution, according to Chad, was to kill the body in order to free the trapped spirit. Disturbingly, he estimated that 20,000 such “zombies” needed to be eradicated.
Growing increasingly suspicious, Colby and his wife began re-examining past conversations with Charles, discovering an email that was forwarded to Lori titled “These family history documents”. The email contained a list of Lori’s family members that she had conflicts with, categorized as either “light” or “dark” spirits, with Tylee labeled as a “dark spirit”. The email revealed Charles’ desperate pleas for help, sending a shiver down Colby’s spine. Charles had tried to warn his family about the kids’ impending danger, but they dismissed his concerns. Now, Tylee was unreachable, intensifying Colby’s fears.
Brandon Boudreaux, married to Lori’s niece Melani who was involved in Chad and Lori’s group, was going through a difficult divorce when Lori messaged Chad claiming Brad was a “zombie.” Shortly after, Brandon reported to the police that someone had shot out his Jeep Wrangler’s window and that he believed the shooter, who extended a gun from another vehicle’s window, might be connected to the group, suspecting Alex, who was rumored to be Lori’s hitman.
Meanwhile, Chad had been sharing a disturbing vision he claimed to have had: Tammy dying in a car accident. He even texted Lori calling Tammy a “zombie” and expressing his anticipation of her passing. On October 9, 2019, Tammy arrived home and was confronted by a masked assailant who shot at her. She managed to call Chad, who ran towards the attacker, failing to catch him. However, by the end of the night, Tammy was dead, and Chad ultimately received $430,000 from her life insurance policy.
Love in the End Times: A Marriage Before the Apocalypse
Chad, believing in the necessity of earthly marriage for eternal bonding in the afterlife, orchestrated pairings within the group to ensure members had spiritually compatible partners for their missions. He facilitated the union of Alex and Zulema Pastenes, who wed shortly after meeting on November 29th. Lori’s niece, Melani, also found a match in Ian Pawlowski, marrying him within two weeks of their introduction. The tight-knit group exhibited a sense of urgency, with all couples marrying within a day of each other. This haste was driven by their shared belief in an impending apocalypse on July 22nd, 2020.
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The Search for Answers: Where is Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow?
Growing increasingly worried due to the lack of communication from JJ, Lori’s family desperately tried to reach her to check on the 7-year-old. They hadn’t seen JJ in months prompting his grandmother, Kay, to call the police, expressing her concern and frustration at Lori’s unresponsiveness. To find Lori, the family had investigated Charles’s Amazon account and discovered Lori had purchased a green malachite ring, managing to obtain the shipping address in Rexburg, Idaho. Armed with this information, they requested the police to conduct a welfare check on JJ.
Chad, Lori, Alex, and Melani had all relocated to Rexburg, residing in the same apartment complex. When police arrived at the address to check on JJ’s welfare, Alex answered the door. Upon being asked about JJ’s whereabouts, Alex glanced at Chad, appearing confused, then falsely claimed JJ was with his grandmother Kay in Arizona.
However, the police informed him that Kay was the one who had initially requested the welfare check. They then inquired about Lori, who was at Melani and Alex’s apartment and when they asked Chad for her phone number, he lied, stating he only knew Lori through Alex and didn’t have her phone number. Eventually, however, he provided it to police but admitted to lying because he felt accused of wrongdoing.
When the officers questioned Lori, she falsely claimed JJ was with her friend, Melanie Gibbs, in Arizona. Convinced that they believed her, Chad immediately called Melanie to warn her about the impending police call and instructed her not to answer. He explained that the police were inquiring about JJ’s location and that Lori falsely claimed he was with her.
An hour or two later, she angrily called both Lori and Chad, furious that her supposed friend had put her in this difficult situation—refusing to lie to the police. Lori admitted she didn’t want to reveal JJ’s actual location, so she had used Melanie’s name, but assured her that JJ was safe and happy. In a paranoid turn, Lori accused Melanie of colluding with her enemies and secretly recording their conversation, a suspicion that was later confirmed to be true.
The following day, armed with a search warrant, police returned to Lori’s apartment, only to find it completely empty. Lori, Chad, and the children had vanished without a trace. Desperate for answers, the police approached Colby, inquiring about his siblings’ whereabouts. He called his mother, who dismissed his concerns, claiming it wasn’t a big deal and she would handle it. His attempts to reach Tylee continued to be met with silence. Colby resorted to posting videos on YouTube, hoping his mother or Tylee would see them and contact him, but his pleas went unanswered. Instead, the videos sparked a wave of speculation, with viewers theorizing that Colby was somehow involved in the children’s disappearance.
The disappearance of Tylee and JJ rapidly escalated into a national headline, with JJ’s grandparents spearheading a desperate campaign for their safe return. Amidst the media frenzy surrounding the case, Tammy’s body was exhumed by Fremont County on December 11th, due to the growing suspicions surrounding the deaths linked to Chad and Lori Daybell.
At this point, Alex’s wife, Zulema, began connecting the dots, realizing that those who had died were the same people Chad had labeled as “zombies.” This chilling revelation led Alex to the horrifying conclusion that he could possibly be set up as the scapegoat by Chad and Lori. But, before he could act on this knowledge, Alex tragically passed away the day after Tammy’s exhumation, reportedly from blood clots in his lungs.
Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow Wedding Photos
The publication of an article revealing Lori with her new husband, Chad, ignited a firestorm of public outrage. The news of their hasty Hawaiian wedding on November 5th, 2019, only fueled the growing suspicion surrounding the couple. Wedding photos of the newly weds surfaced in early 2020, causing significant public outrage and media attention due to the mysterious circumstances surrounding the couple and the disappearance of the two children.

The photos were taken on a beach in Hawaii, depicting the couple smiling and embracing. This seemingly joyous occasion was overshadowed by the fact that it occurred just weeks after the death of Chad’s previous wife, and months after the death of Lori’s husband. The timing of the wedding, along with the couple’s doomsday beliefs and the ongoing investigation into the children’s disappearance, fueled speculation and suspicion.
On December 20th, 2019, the mounting concerns over Tylee and JJ’s unexplained absence reached a critical point, prompting authorities to officially declare them missing. This somber declaration intensified the already heightened public interest in the case, as the search for the two children became a nationwide effort. The declaration also marked a turning point in the investigation, shifting the focus towards uncovering the truth behind their disappearance. On January 26th, 2020, investigators located Chad and Lori Daybell in Hawaii, finally catching up with the elusive couple. They were served with a court order, a significant development in the case that forced them to confront the legal repercussions of their actions and the mounting evidence against them.
Law enforcement issued an ultimatum to Lori, giving her until Thursday to physically present Tylee and JJ to the authorities, but she failed to comply with this demand, leading to charges being filed against her. This blatant disregard for the welfare of the children further solidified the public’s perception of Lori as a deceptive and uncooperative figure in the ongoing investigation.
On March 6th, 2020, Lori’s bond hearing in Rexburg, Idaho took a chilling turn as she smiled bizarrely at her family, seemingly unfazed by the three active investigations into suspicious deaths and the disappearance of her children. Her refusal to cooperate in locating her missing children led to a $1 million bail being set. Yet, Lori walked past her family and friends in handcuffs with an unsettlingly upbeat demeanor, as if nothing was amiss.
While she languished in jail, Colby confronted his mother in a chilling phone call, declaring she was unrecognizable as the woman who raised him. He voiced his disbelief that she could be involved in such horrific events, but she vehemently denied any wrongdoing. In a disturbing twist, Lori invoked the biblical story of Abraham and Isaac, drawing a twisted parallel to her own situation.
She claimed to be maintaining faith, like Abraham, believing God would protect her. This inappropriate reference to scripture, given her missing children, further unsettled Colby. He retorted that they had decided the children’s deaths were part of their “spiritual mission,” and Lori’s cryptic response was simply, “You just don’t know. You will see,” insisting she was blameless, and Colby simply didn’t understand.
From jail, Lori reassured her family that the children were fine and in a safe place. In May 2020, her mother, Janis Cox, and sister, Summer Shiflet, even went on television to defend her, with her mother seemingly in denial, refusing to believe Lori was involved in a cult or brainwashed.
Meanwhile, investigators gained access to Lori’s iCloud account and uncovered a photo from September 8th, 2019, showing JJ, Tylee, and Alex at Yellowstone National Park. The media urged the public to come forward with any information about their presence there. Subsequently, a phone analysis conducted by police revealed Alex’s phone was located in the backyard of Chad’s house for two and a half hours on September 9th. Significantly, the FBI secured Tammy’s phone and discovered a cryptic text message from Chad sent 14 minutes after Alex had left Chad’s property:
Well, I have had an interesting morning I felt I should burn all the limb debris by the fire pit before it got too soaked by the coming storms. While I did so I spotted a big raccoon coming along the fence. I hurried and got my gun, and he was still walking the wall. I got close enough that one shot did the trick. He is now in our pet cemetery.
On June 9th, 2020, a chilling scene unfolded at Chad’s home as police swarmed the property, armed with a search warrant and accompanied by the FBI, Fremont police, and a K9 unit. The backyard was cordoned off, the tension palpable as the search for bodies intensified. In a hushed phone call with Lori from jail, Chad’s defeated voice resonated with a chilling premonition, uttering, “we’ll see what transpires.” He seemed resigned to the grim discovery that awaited the investigators.
With every passing moment, Chad’s anxiety grew, his gaze fixated on the unfolding search. But as the tension reached its peak, he abruptly drove away, prompting a desperate chase by law enforcement. The race was on, fueled by the horrifying truth that had just emerged from the depths of his property: two sets of human remains, later identified as Tylee and JJ, lay buried in shallow graves.
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Lori Vallow Children’s Autopsy: Grim Details Revealed
The autopsies of JJ Vallow and Tylee Ryan revealed disturbing details about their tragic deaths.
JJ Vallow:
JJ’s body was found buried in a shallow grave, wrapped in a plastic bag and secured with duct tape. His autopsy revealed that the cause of death was asphyxiation due to the plastic bag and duct tape. The medical examiner testified that JJ had likely struggled to remove the bag, as evidenced by scratches on his face and neck.
Tylee Ryan:
Tylee’s remains were discovered dismembered and burned in a pet cemetery on Chad Daybell’s property. The extensive damage to her body made determining the exact cause of death impossible. However, the medical examiner ruled her death a homicide due to the suspicious circumstances and the manner in which her remains were found.
The autopsies of JJ and Tylee provided crucial evidence in the case against Lori and Chad, confirming the children’s deaths were not accidental and highlighted the brutality of their murders. The graphic details of the autopsies shocked the public and intensified the call for justice for the two innocent victims.

Idaho Murder Trial: The Doomsday Couple Faces Their Reckoning
In a chilling courtroom revelation during Chad’s preliminary hearing on August 3rd, 2020, witnesses recounted Lori’s disturbing description of JJ as a “zombie,” detailing how he had climbed on the refrigerator, smashed a picture of Christ, and wedged himself between the top of the cabinets and the ceiling. Lori attributed this unsettling behavior to JJ’s autism, making him a liability.
She portrayed JJ as out of control, and the night Alex brought him home, a dark suspicion hung in the air—that JJ was already dead. The courtroom fell silent as evidence revealed that Tylee and JJ’s lives were tragically cut short just one month after their move to Idaho. On August 21st, 2020, Chad maintained his innocence, pleading not guilty to the charges against him and his case was set for trial.
In a move that shocked onlookers, Lori, the woman the media had christened “the doomsday mom,” relinquished her right to a preliminary hearing. Deemed mentally incompetent to face the mounting charges against her, she was remanded to a mental health facility for a grueling ninety days of evaluation. Finally, on April 11th, 2022, the veil of uncertainty lifted: Lori was declared competent to stand trial, setting the stage for a dramatic legal showdown that would determine her fate.
The killings of Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow, tied to Chad and Lori Daybell, have shocked the nation due to the couple’s bizarre beliefs and the tragic circumstances.
In a highly publicized trial, Lori faced charges for the murders of Tylee and JJ, and conspiracy to murder her husband Chad’s first wife, Tammy. Throughout the trial, the prosecution presented a compelling case, highlighting Lori’s disturbing beliefs and actions. Ultimately, the jury found her guilty on all charges, and she received multiple life sentences without the possibility of parole, ensuring she would spend the rest of her life behind bars.
Chad Daybell Trial: May 7, 2024 – Key Developments
Chad Daybell was sentenced to death in triple-murder case of Tammy, Tylee, and JJ. On May 7, 2024, the 18th day of trial, significant testimony unfolded, shedding light on the intricate web of events leading up to the deaths of Tammy, Tylee, and JJ.
Zulema Pastenes, the widow of Lori Vallow’s brother, Alex Cox, took the stand as a key witness for the prosecution. Zulema provided chilling insights into Chad’s alleged doomsday prophecies and his self-proclaimed ability to communicate with the spirit world. She testified that Chad had predicted the deaths of Tammy and JJ. This testimony aimed to establish a motive for the alleged crimes and highlighted the influence of Chad’s beliefs on the actions of those involved.
The day’s proceedings were closely followed by both the public and the media, as they provided crucial details about the case. The testimony of Zulema and the medical examiner, along with the supporting evidence presented, further solidified the prosecution’s case against Chad. However, the defense maintained Chad’s innocence and continued to challenge the prosecution’s narrative.
Chad Daybell’s Adult Kids Testified: Garth Daybell & Emma Murray
In a significant turn of events, the defense called upon Chad’s two adult children, Emma Murray and Garth Daybell, to testify. Both children spoke about their mother, Tammy Daybell’s, declining health before her sudden death.
Garth made a startling revelation, claiming he felt threatened by the prosecution to alter his testimony prior to any charges being filed. He stated that he was told to change his account to align with their narrative, or else face indictment and a list of charges.
Meanwhile, Emma countered previous witness testimonies by asserting that Tammy was not as healthy as portrayed. She described her mother’s deteriorating health and increasing fatigue in the period leading up to her death.
The defense’s strategy of highlighting Tammy’s health issues appears to be an attempt to cast doubt on the official cause of death, which was determined to be homicide by asphyxiation. The testimonies of Chad’s children introduce a new perspective into the case and raise questions about the circumstances surrounding Tammy’s passing.
After a tense and emotional trial, the jury found Chad guilty on all counts, including first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and insurance fraud and he was sentenced to death in July 2023. The judge’s decision brought a sense of closure to the grieving families and the community, marking the end of a dark chapter in their lives.
Chad Daybell Penalty Phase: A Somber Conclusion
Following Chad Daybell’s conviction for the murders of JJ, Tylee, and Tammy, the penalty phase of his trial commenced, focusing on whether he should receive the death penalty or life imprisonment. During the penalty phase, the prosecution presented aggravating factors, highlighting the heinous nature of the crimes, Chad’s lack of remorse, and the impact on the victims’ families. They argued that the death penalty was the only appropriate punishment for such heinous acts.
The defense, in turn, presented mitigating factors, emphasizing Chad’s lack of criminal history, his positive contributions to society, and the potential for rehabilitation. They urged the jury to consider a life sentence, allowing Chad to reflect on his actions and potentially find redemption.
After hearing both sides, the jury deliberated for several days before reaching a decision. Ultimately, they sentenced Chad to death, finding that the aggravating factors outweighed any mitigating circumstances. The verdict was met with mixed reactions, with some supporting the decision and others expressing concerns about the use of capital punishment.
For the families of the victims, the death sentence brought a sense of closure and justice. They had endured unimaginable grief and loss, and the verdict provided some measure of solace. However, it also marked the end of a long and painful legal process that had taken a toll on all involved.
Is the Prosecutor on the Daybell Case a Mormon?: A Matter of Debate
The religious affiliation of the prosecutors in the Chad Daybell case, specifically Rob Wood, has been a point of contention and speculation. His membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), also known as the Mormon church, has been alluded to in various discussions and forums online.
This speculation has led to accusations of potential bias, with some arguing that a prosecutor who shares the same faith as the defendants might be more lenient or sympathetic towards them. However, there is no concrete evidence to support these claims.
The defense team for Chad and Lori Daybell has not raised any formal objections or concerns regarding Rob’s alleged religious affiliation. In fact, Rob’s professionalism and dedication to seeking justice have been commended by many, regardless of his personal beliefs.
The Doomsday Couple’s Dark Legacy
The saga of Lori Vallow Daybell and Chad Daybell has left an enduring scar on the landscape of American true crime. Their case, marked by chilling callousness and a twisted belief system, captivated and horrified the nation for years. The couple’s descent into a web of conspiracy, religious extremism, manipulation, and ultimately, murder, serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked fanaticism and the devastating consequences it can wreak on families and communities.
Lori Vallow Update: August 2024
Lori Vallow Daybell is currently in custody at Maricopa County Jail in Arizona, awaiting trial for the alleged conspiracy to murder her niece’s ex-husband, Brandon Boudreaux. This new charge adds to her already existing life sentence for the murders of her two children, and conspiracy to murder Tammy Daybell.
Her Arizona trial, originally scheduled for August 1st, has been delayed until February 2025 due to the extensive volume of evidence that needs to be reviewed. This includes over 100,000 pages of discovery and 15 terabytes of digital media provided by the prosecution.
In Idaho, Chad was recently sentenced to death for his role in the murders of JJ, Tylee, and Tammy Daybell. This verdict brings a significant conclusion to the Idaho proceedings, although appeals are expected. Lori’s case in Arizona is still ongoing, and she continues to maintain her innocence. The trial delay provides her legal team with more time to prepare her defense. However, it also prolongs the legal process for the victims’ families, who are seeking justice and closure.
The upcoming Arizona trial will be a significant event in the ongoing saga of the Lori Vallow Daybell case. It will shed more light on the extent of her alleged crimes and provide an opportunity for further accountability. The nation will be watching as the legal proceedings unfold and justice is sought for all the victims involved.
Colby Ryan: Victim Impact Statement

Colby Ryan, the eldest child of Lori Vallow Daybell, was given the opportunity to provide a victim impact statement at his mother’s sentencing hearing as the brother of the victims, JJ and Tylee. However, he chose not to appear in court and instead had his statement read by a representative.
In his emotional statement, Ryan expressed his desire for his siblings to be remembered for who they were, rather than just being known for the tragic circumstances of their deaths. He described the profound impact their murders have had on his life, leading to the loss of his entire family and the destruction of his world. The statement conveyed the immense grief and pain he has experienced, as well as the loss of relationships with other family members and friends.
Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow Daybell YouTube Videos
Videos on YouTube about Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow Daybell:
- The Missing Children of Lori Vallow Daybell | Full Episode by 48 Hours
- The Doomsday Couple: The Unbelievable Case of Lori Vallow And Chad Daybell by Coffeehouse Crime
- Lori Vallow Daybell: Guilty | Full Episode by 48 Hours
- DAYBELL PROSECUTOR ROB WOOD – His First Live Interview by Hidden True Crime
- Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow – The Mormon Influences Part 1 – Mormon Stories 1487 by Mormon Stories Podcast
Books and Documentaries related to Chad and Lori Daybell
Read “When the Moon Turns to Blood”

When the Moon Turns to Blood: Lori Vallow, Chad Daybell, and a Story of Murder, Wild Faith, and End Times by Leah Sottile: This book delves into the extremist beliefs and mysterious deaths surrounding Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell, exploring the dark underbelly of religious fanaticism.
Read “The Doomsday Mother: Lori Vallow, Chad Daybell, and the End of an American Family

The Doomsday Mother: Lori Vallow, Chad Daybell, and the End of an American Family by John Glatt: This book provides a comprehensive overview of the case, detailing the events leading up to the disappearance and murders of Lori’s children, as well as the subsequent investigation and trial.
Watch “Doomsday: The Missing Children”

In the fall of 2019, the quiet town of Rexburg, Idaho, was gripped by the baffling disappearance of seven-year-old JJ Vallow and his 17-year-old stepsister, Tylee Ryan. At the heart of the mystery were their mother, Lori Vallow, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, whose enigmatic beliefs and actions only deepened the enigma surrounding the missing children.
Who are Chad and Lori Daybell?
Chad and Lori Daybell are a married couple who made headlines for their involvement in a series of murders and deceit, driven by their extreme religious beliefs in “dark spirits and zombies
What motivated Chad and Lori Daybell to commit murder?
Chad and Lori Daybell’s twisted beliefs in “dark spirits and zombies” led them to commit murder, as they believed they were ridding the world of evil entities.
How did Chad and Lori Daybell’s religious extremism contribute to their crimes?
Chad and Lori Daybell’s extreme religious beliefs created a distorted reality, leading them to commit murder and deceive those around them.
What is the significance of “dark spirits and zombies” in the Chad and Lori Daybell case?
The concept of “dark spirits and zombies” was a central theme in Chad and Lori Daybell’s religious beliefs, which they used to justify their heinous crimes.
Are Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow Really Mormons?
Both Lori Vallow Daybell and Chad Daybell were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the Mormon church.